Six Things To Never Say To A Police Officer During A Traffic Stop

Your chances of talking your way out of a traffic ticket are slim – but it’s not uncommon for a driver to talk themselves INTO one by insulting the officer or annoying them enough to write a ticket when they might have otherwise let them off with a warning. Here are the things NOT to say:

  1. “Whatever…” This disrespectful remark will almost always insult the officer and land you with a ticket. Same goes for rolling your eyes, arguing or making profane remarks.
  2. “I didn’t run that light!” or other denials of wrong doing. If you did something wrong, admit it; you’re more likely to be given a warning. Of course, if you truly didn’t feel like you did what the officer claimed, don’t say you did something wrong just to agree with the officer.
  3. “I know the mayor.” Never pull a power play like this on an officer. They aren’t afraid of who you’re friends with if you broke the law. Remember, they’re doing their job by stopping you.
  4. “I’m calling my lawyer.” Again, this won’t threaten the police officer because they deal with lawyers all the time. Threatening an officer with your attorney is a no-win situation for you.
  5. “I’m on my way to the DMV/hospital.” If you were pulled over because of an expired ticket, don’t use this line. Cops hear it all the time. “But officer, I was just on my way to the inspection station…” And unless you are truly sick or injured and there’s a real emergency, don’t lie and make it sound as though you were responding to an emergency. Again, officers hear this all the time.
  6. “But everyone else was driving 90!” That doesn’t mean it’s okay or lawful. A police officer won’t let you off simply because everyone else is doing the same thing.
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Who Else Wants To Win A $25 Gift Card?

Take my monthly “Trivia Challenge” and you could win too!
The Grand Prize Winner of last month’s Trivia Challenge Quiz is << name of winner and town >>! He or she was the first person to correctly answer my quiz question from last month:

What was put on sale for the first time in May of 1886?
a) United States Savings Bonds b) Coca-Cola c) Mother’s Day Cards

The correct answer is b) Coca-Cola. Congratulations, << winner name >>, you’ve won a << $25 Gift Card >>!

Now, here’s this month’s trivia question. The winner will receive a gift card to .

What inventor averaged one patent for every three weeks of his life?
a) Thomas Edison b) Benjamin Franklin c) Alexander Graham Bell

Call me right now with your answer! XXX-XXX-XXXX

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How Exposed Are You Online?

Is privacy in America dead? With all the camera phones, online tracking software and social media sites, you can pretty much bet on it. But that doesn’t mean you can’t protect yourself.

For starters, go to Google Maps and search on your name to see if they have a picture of your home mapped out. If so, you can request to be removed. Next, set up a Google alert for your name (and company name if you’re a business owner). Google will e-mail you any time something is posted about you with a link so you can keep an eye on reviews, photos, etc. Next, go to and search on yourself – you might be shocked at how much information is posted about you, your home, your income and personal life. You can request to be removed from this site by going to

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What Is “Cloud Computing?”

Cloud computing refers to the “next evolution” of the Internet and how users (you and me) access, store and work with applications, files, e-mail, data and more. Instead of having all your files and applications stored on a PC or laptop, cloud computing puts this workload onto a high-speed, high security server that you access via any Internet connection or device. Why do this?

Several reasons:

  1. You can connect to your files and applications from anywhere on (practically) any device.
  2. You’ll save a lot of money on IT support, maintenance and software since those responsibilities are assumed by your cloud provider.
  3. You only pay for the applications, storage and software you use. A good comparison for this system is the way you access the electricity that runs into your home or office. To use it, you just plug the appliance of choice into any outlet. Like electricity, which is metered, with cloud computing you just pay for the services you use.
  4. Most cloud solutions offer instant backup and the ability to be back up and running again fast. Since your files and applications are hosted online, a failed server or PC won’t put you out of business, and the chances of a data center going down (the place where your files and apps are stored) is very, very slim.

Chances are you’re already using cloud computing without even knowing it. If you bank online, access an e-mail service like Yahoo! Mail or Gmail, or use an e-mail broadcasting service like ConstantContact, you’re using cloud-based apps (also called SaaS or “software as a service”).

Many businesses are moving to cloud computing because it frees them from having to install, maintain and upgrade expensive, overblown PCs that cost a lot to maintain. It also makes adding and removing users (or employees) quick and easy since you simply pay for what you use each month and nothing more. Other advantages include unlimited storage, automatic backups, higher-level security and the ability to access your information from any device anywhere. Plus, cloud-based networks don’t require the ongoing maintenance that traditional server-workstation networks require.

However, not every application or situation is suited for the cloud. While many line-of-business applications still can’t be hosted in the cloud and require a commercial-grade Internet connection with a backup such as DSL or cable, there’s no doubt that cloud computing is here to stay. Advances are being made rapidly to make it the better solution for most businesses. Of course, we’re here to help you understand your options and the pros and cons.

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7 Simple Ways To Keep Your iPad Secure

  1. Don’t leave it lying around
    Although this is common sense, you’ve probably violated this rule more than once. iPads are easy targets for thieves, so don’t let it out of your sight when in a public place – and don’t leave it in plain view in your car or you might end up with a broken window in addition to a stolen iPad.
  2. Use a passcode
    Although it’s not 100% hacker-proof, it will block unauthorized users from accessing your information.
  3. Consider enabling automatic data erasing
    You can configure your iPad to erase your data after 10 failed passcode attempts. Clearly this is not a good solution for anyone who constantly forgets a password or those who have kids who might try to endlessly log in to use your iPad.
  4. Sign up for MobileMe
    As mentioned opposite, this software will allow you to locate a lost iPad and, if it’s not recoverable, you can remotely wipe the device of your private information.
  5. Limit its capabilities
    You can set your iPad to restrict certain functions such as access to Safari, YouTube, installing applications and explicit media content using a passcode. In the corporate world, an IT administrator could set these restrictions for company owned devices. At home, you can use this to restrict what your children can do with your iPad.
  6. Install software updates
    As with all software, make sure you have the latest security updates and patches installed to protect against hackers and viruses.
  7. Only connect to trusted WiFi networks
    Public WiFis are open territory for hackers and identity thieves. Whenever you connect, make sure it’s a legitimate, secure connection.

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How Would You Like To Have This Corporate Embarrassment On Your Record?

Back in April, the largest known e-mail security breach took place when Epsilon, an online marketing corporation, had their clients’ lists of e-mail addresses stolen by sophisticated cyber thieves.

Epsilon was in charge of maintaining the e-mail databases and campaigns of some of the largest corporations in the country, including 1-800 Flowers, Best Buy, Walgreens, JPMorgan Chase, Capital One, and more. In fact, there’s a good chance that you’ve received multiple “apology” e-mails from these vendors.

While some said the breach didn’t cause a whole lot of damage, we disagree. Essentially, these cyber criminals now have the ability to invent highly sophisticated phishing attacks by creating e-mail offers that look like legitimate promotions coming from companies they (the people whose e-mail addresses were stolen) buy from and trust.

And though it’s already common for cyber thieves to impersonate credible organizations with what appears to be legitimate e-mail messages that seek to verify account information, this recent breach of security allows cyber thieves to be smarter and even more targeted with their scams.

Two Key Lessons

First, you need to be a lot more wary of e-mail promotions and communications that ask you to provide your credit card information or to validate your account information (username, password, social security number, etc.). No valid company will ever ask you to send important, confidential information in that manner.

Second, this breach serves as a warning to all businesses that they must have the MOST up-to-date security systems in place for their computer network, especially if you handle client data such as credit cards, bank accounts, social security numbers, passwords, client lists and more. Epsilon has responded to the security breach, apologizing to all of those affected, but the damage is done to their organization, not to mention their clients.

That’s why we urge all of our clients to enroll in our <>. This service allows us to monitor your network’s anti-virus, firewall and security settings to make sure your network is fully protected against these damaging events.

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Walk To The Hospital?

When you dial 9-1-1, you expect to get help – but not so in the case of Curtis Mitchell from Pittsburg, PA. Mitchell dialed 9-1-1 and reported severe abdominal pains, but no one came. So he called again. Still, no one came. This went on for the entire weekend. He called a total of 10 times and eventually died in his home.

So what happened? Apparently the paramedics could only get the ambulance within 4 blocks of his home due to heavy snowfall. But instead of walking to his home, they told him he would have to come to them. The city is facing a civil lawsuit from Mitchell’s family.

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Our Tax Dollars At Work?

California welfare recipients have found that state-issued debit cards make accessing cash easy…in fact, a little too easy. These debit cards are meant to help poor families feed their families; however, an investigation conducted by the Los Angeles Times revealed that more than $12,000 in welfare funds were dispensed at strip clubs, and $1.8 million of the funds from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families were dispensed at casino and poker-room ATMs. Luckily, the state has put an end to this practice.

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The Lighter Side…

While YOU would never use a lame excuse like one of these, according to, these are a few of the reasons employees have given their bosses for skipping work:

Employee said a chicken attacked his mom.

Employee had a bad hair transplant.

Employee called in sick from a bar at 5:00 p.m. the night before.

Employee had to mow the lawn to avoid a lawsuit from his home owners’ association.

Employee’s finger was stuck in a bowling ball.

Employee fell asleep at his desk at work, hit his head and had a neck injury.


Attorneys go to college for years to get a degree. But here are some court transcripts that will leave you wondering what they actually learned!

Attorney: “Doctor, how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead people?”

Witness: “All of them. The live ones put up too much of a fight.”

Attorney: “How was your marriage terminated?”

Witness: “By death.”

Attorney: “And by whose death was it terminated?”

Witness: “Guess.”

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Shiny New Gadget Of The Month:

Who doesn’t want to be more organized? You’re less likely to forget important projects, dates and tasks, which in turn will reduce your stress and wasted energy.

But if you think getting (and staying) organized is tough, maybe you just haven’t found the right tool. If so, you should check out WorkFlowy.

WorkFlowy makes capturing and organizing your ideas, projects and “to-do” list simple. It’s based around the idea of outlines. Just pick a topic to organize and start typing. The outlining is handled almost automatically through its intuitive interface.

You can create outlines within outlines and break up a large project into smaller actionable tasks. It’s great for multi-step processes or even planning your week. Best of all, it’s all online so you can access it from anywhere. All you need to do is create a free account and install Google’s Chrome browser. Since it’s free, you’ve got nothing to lose for giving it a try!

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